A. Entrance Examinations and Examinations for Advanced Standing. Entrance examinations and examinations for advanced standing shall be given at such times and under such circumstances as the chair of the department in which the subject is taught shall prescribe, except that placement examinations shall not be accepted in lieu of entrance examinations. Special examinations for credit in a foreign language will not be permitted when the foreign language is the student’s native tongue.
B. Credit by Examination. If a student is a registered student at Missouri S&T and has learned enough about a subject to pass an examination on it — without taking the course— he/she may be able to get college credit for this knowledge. There are six different programs included in Missouri S&T’s credit by examination policy. They are:
Further information about these programs may be obtained at the Admissions Office or the Testing Center.
C. Rescheduling of Instruction, Tests and Examinations. Scheduling of classes relative to time and space should be carefully considered as to need prior to the specific semester and only under the most serious conditions should changes be made during the semester. Care must be taken that such scheduling does not infringe unduly on the rights of the student and all rescheduling must have the written approval of the department chairperson and be coordinated through the Office of the Registrar. Such changes must be initiated by students or instructors.
D. Examinations in Courses Attended as Hearer. If a student is attending or has attended a course as a “hearer,” the student is not entitled to an examination for credit in that course (see Section II-E, Registration as a Hearer).
E. Examinations of two hours' duration at the end of a semester may be given at the option of the instructor in all lecture and laboratory courses. No special final examinations shall be given except on written permission from the provost. If a student has a conflict between two final examinations, the subject regularly scheduled for the year in which they are classified shall take precedence and the department teaching the other subject shall arrange a special examination for the student upon verification of the Registrar. If a student has three final examinations scheduled on the same day they may request that the examination falling in the second period on that day be moved to a different date. (If no examination is scheduled in the second period, the examination in the fourth period will be moved.) If a student has four examinations scheduled on the same day they may request that the second and/or fourth examination be moved to another date. All of the above requests are to be made in the Office of the Registrar at least one week before the beginning of the final examination week.
F. Common Exams. The period from 5:00 – 6:00 PM daily to be designated for common exams. If a class or other required academic activity is scheduled during common exam time, the instructor of the class that conflicts with the common exam will provide accommodations for the students taking the common exam. In all instances of common exams not at the designated time, the instructor administering the common exam is expected to provide reasonable accommodations to students with such conflicts.
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