Student Preferred Name

It is the policy of the University of Missouri system that a student may choose to identify themselves within the university community with a preferred first and/or middle name that differs from their legal name.

As long as the use of the preferred first and/or middle name is not for an inappropriate purpose, it will appear instead of the person’s legal name in university-related systems and documents where it is technically feasible, except where the use of the legal name is required by university business or legal need.

Preferred name will appear on the class roster, student ID card, residence hall rosters, transcripts (there is an option to select either preferred or legal name at the time of ordering), diplomas and wherever the legal name is not required.

Primary or legal name will be used on items such as reporting to state or federal agencies, transcripts (there is an option to select either preferred or legal name at the time of ordering), payroll documents, financial aid documents and processes, enrollment and degree verification processes and other records where the student’s legal name is required by law or University policy.

To add a preferred name, students will need to log into Joe’SS and navigate to their personal data. You may select a preferred name type and then enter the first and/or middle name and then click save.

Unfortunately, not all people, processes or applications may be aware of the preferred name. If you encounter any issue or have a concern please contact

If you decide you no longer want to use a preferred name, you will log into Joe’SS and inactivate the preferred name. Once inactivated it will no longer appear in areas listed above.

Please note that it is the student’s responsibility to ensure that sending transcripts with a preferred name that it might not match other documents such as applications for employment or applications to universities as those typically require you to use a legal name.